6 | | Email notification is useful to keep users up-to-date on tickets/issues of interest, and also provides a convenient way to post all ticket changes to a dedicated mailing list. For example, this is how the [http://lists.edgewall.com/archive/trac-tickets/ Trac-tickets] mailing list is set up. |
7 | | |
8 | | Disabled by default, notification can be activated and configured in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]. |
9 | | |
10 | | == Receiving Notification Mails == |
11 | | When reporting a new ticket or adding a comment, enter a valid email address or your username in the ''reporter'', ''assigned to/owner'' or ''cc'' field. Trac will automatically send you an email when changes are made to the ticket (depending on how notification is configured). |
12 | | |
13 | | This is useful to keep up-to-date on an issue or enhancement request that interests you. |
14 | | |
15 | | === How to use your username to receive notification mails === |
16 | | |
17 | | To receive notification mails, you can either enter a full email address or your username. To get notified with a simple username or login, you need to specify a valid email address in the ''Preferences'' page. |
18 | | |
19 | | Alternatively, a default domain name ('''`smtp_default_domain`''') can be set in the TracIni file (see [#ConfigurationOptions Configuration Options] below). In this case, the default domain will be appended to the username, which can be useful for an "Intranet" kind of installation. |
| 6 | Email notification is useful to keep users up-to-date on tickets of interest, and also provides a convenient way to post all ticket changes to a dedicated mailing list. |
| 7 | |
| 8 | Disabled by default, notification can be activated and configured in [TracIni trac.ini]. |
| 9 | |
| 10 | == Receiving Notification Mails |
| 11 | When reporting a new ticket or adding a comment, enter a valid email address or your Trac username in the ''reporter'', ''assigned to/owner'' or ''cc'' field. Trac will automatically send you an email when changes are made to the ticket, depending on how notification is configured. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | === How to use your username to receive notification mails |
| 14 | |
| 15 | To receive notification mails, you can either enter a full email address or your Trac username. To get notified with a simple username or login, you need to specify a valid email address in your [/prefs preferences]. |
| 16 | |
| 17 | Alternatively, a default domain name ('''`smtp_default_domain`''') can be set in the TracIni file, see [#ConfigurationOptions Configuration Options] below. In this case, the default domain will be appended to the username, which can be useful for an "Intranet" kind of installation. |
23 | | == Configuring SMTP Notification == |
24 | | |
25 | | '''Important:''' For TracNotification to work correctly, the `[trac] base_url` option must be set in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]. |
26 | | |
27 | | === Configuration Options === |
28 | | These are the available options for the `[notification]` section in trac.ini. |
29 | | |
30 | | * '''`smtp_enabled`''': Enable email notification. |
31 | | * '''`smtp_from`''': Email address to use for ''Sender''-headers in notification emails. |
32 | | * '''`smtp_from_name`''': Sender name to use for ''Sender''-headers in notification emails. |
33 | | * '''`smtp_replyto`''': Email address to use for ''Reply-To''-headers in notification emails. |
34 | | * '''`smtp_default_domain`''': (''since 0.10'') Append the specified domain to addresses that do not contain one. Fully qualified addresses are not modified. The default domain is appended to all username/login for which an email address cannot be found from the user settings. |
35 | | * '''`smtp_always_cc`''': List of email addresses to always send notifications to. ''Typically used to post ticket changes to a dedicated mailing list.'' |
36 | | * '''`smtp_always_bcc`''': (''since 0.10'') List of email addresses to always send notifications to, but keeps addresses not visible from other recipients of the notification email |
37 | | * '''`smtp_subject_prefix`''': (''since 0.10.1'') Text that is inserted before the subject of the email. Set to "!__default!__" by default. |
38 | | * '''`always_notify_reporter`''': Always send notifications to any address in the reporter field (default: false). |
39 | | * '''`always_notify_owner`''': (''since 0.9'') Always send notifications to the address in the owner field (default: false). |
40 | | * '''`always_notify_updater`''': (''since 0.10'') Always send a notification to the updater of a ticket (default: true). |
41 | | * '''`use_public_cc`''': (''since 0.10'') Addresses in To: (owner, reporter) and Cc: lists are visible by all recipients (default is ''Bcc:'' - hidden copy). |
42 | | * '''`use_short_addr`''': (''since 0.10'') Enable delivery of notifications to addresses that do not contain a domain (i.e. do not end with ''@<domain.com>'').This option is useful for intranets, where the SMTP server can handle local addresses and map the username/login to a local mailbox. See also `smtp_default_domain`. Do not use this option with a public SMTP server. |
43 | | * '''`ignore_domains`''': Comma-separated list of domains that should not be considered part of email addresses (for usernames with Kerberos domains). |
44 | | * '''`mime_encoding`''': (''since 0.10'') This option allows selecting the MIME encoding scheme. Supported values: |
45 | | * `none`: default value, uses 7bit encoding if the text is plain ASCII, or 8bit otherwise. |
46 | | * `base64`: works with any kind of content. May cause some issues with touchy anti-spam/anti-virus engines. |
47 | | * `qp` or `quoted-printable`: best for european languages (more compact than base64) if 8bit encoding cannot be used. |
48 | | * '''`ticket_subject_template`''': (''since 0.11'') A [http://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/text-templates.html Genshi text template] snippet used to get the notification subject. |
49 | | * '''`email_sender`''': (''since 0.12'') Name of the component implementing `IEmailSender`. This component is used by the notification system to send emails. Trac currently provides the following components: |
50 | | * `SmtpEmailSender`: connects to an SMTP server (default). |
51 | | * `SendmailEmailSender`: runs a `sendmail`-compatible executable. |
52 | | |
53 | | Either '''`smtp_from`''' or '''`smtp_replyto`''' (or both) ''must'' be set, otherwise Trac refuses to send notification mails. |
54 | | |
55 | | The following options are specific to email delivery through SMTP. |
56 | | * '''`smtp_server`''': SMTP server used for notification messages. |
57 | | * '''`smtp_port`''': (''since 0.9'') Port used to contact the SMTP server. |
58 | | * '''`smtp_user`''': (''since 0.9'') User name for authentication SMTP account. |
59 | | * '''`smtp_password`''': (''since 0.9'') Password for authentication SMTP account. |
60 | | * '''`use_tls`''': (''since 0.10'') Toggle to send notifications via a SMTP server using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security TLS], such as GMail. |
61 | | |
62 | | The following option is specific to email delivery through a `sendmail`-compatible executable. |
63 | | * '''`sendmail_path`''': (''since 0.12'') Path to the sendmail executable. The sendmail program must accept the `-i` and `-f` options. |
64 | | |
65 | | === Example Configuration (SMTP) === |
66 | | {{{ |
| 21 | === Ticket attachment notifications |
| 22 | |
| 23 | Since 1.0.3 Trac will send notifications when a ticket attachment is added or deleted. Usually attachment notifications will be enabled in an environment by default. To disable the attachment notifications for an environment the `TicketAttachmentNotifier` component must be disabled: |
| 24 | {{{#!ini |
| 25 | [components] |
| 26 | trac.ticket.notification.TicketAttachmentNotifier = disabled |
| 27 | }}} |
| 28 | |
| 29 | == Configuring SMTP Notification |
| 30 | |
| 31 | '''Important:''' The [[TracIni#trac-base_url-option|[trac] base_url]] option must be configured for links in the notification message to be correctly generated. |
| 32 | |
| 33 | === Configuration Options |
| 34 | These are the available options for the `[notification]` section in trac.ini: |
| 35 | |
| 36 | [[TracIni(section=notification)]] |
| 37 | |
| 38 | === Example Configuration (SMTP) |
| 39 | {{{#!ini |
86 | | === Customizing the e-mail subject === |
| 59 | === Subscriber Configuration |
| 60 | The default subscriptions are configured in the [TracIni#notification-subscriber-section "[notification-subscriber]"] section. |
| 61 | |
| 62 | [[TracIni(section=notification-subscriber)]] |
| 63 | |
| 64 | Each user can override these defaults in their ''Notifications'' preferences. |
| 65 | |
| 66 | For example to unsubscribe from notifications for one's own changes and comments, the rule "Never notify: I update a ticket" should be added above other subscription rules. |
| 67 | |
| 68 | The subscription rule name on the left side of the `=` can be anything, it has no meaning outside this configuration file. The subscriber name on the right side of the `=` must be one of the subscribers listed in the above table. |
| 69 | |
| 70 | The following attributes of default subscriptions can be configured: |
| 71 | * `.distributor` (Default: `email`) |
| 72 | * Other values require plugins. For example `on-site` requires th:OnSiteNotificationsPlugin. |
| 73 | * `.priority` (Default: `100`) |
| 74 | * Smaller values override larger values. |
| 75 | * If you use `0`, then users will not be able to override this rule. |
| 76 | * `.adverb` (Default: `always`) |
| 77 | * `never` can be used to silence other subscription rules with higher values. |
| 78 | * `.format` (Default: `text/plain`) |
| 79 | * Other values require plugins. For example `text/html` requires th:TracHtmlNotificationPlugin. |
| 80 | |
| 81 | === Example Configuration (default subscriptions) |
| 82 | {{{#!ini |
| 83 | [notification-subscriber] |
| 84 | always_notify_owner = TicketOwnerSubscriber |
| 85 | always_notify_owner.distributor = email |
| 86 | always_notify_owner.priority = 100 |
| 87 | always_notify_owner.adverb = always |
| 88 | always_notify_owner.format = text/plain |
| 89 | |
| 90 | always_notify_previous_updater = TicketPreviousUpdatersSubscriber |
| 91 | |
| 92 | never_notify_updater = TicketUpdaterSubscriber |
| 93 | never_notify_updater.adverb = never |
| 94 | never_notify_updater.priority = 0 |
| 95 | |
| 96 | notify_cc_html = CarbonCopySubscriber |
| 97 | notify_cc_html.format = text/html |
| 98 | }}} |
| 99 | |
| 100 | === Customizing the e-mail subject |
162 | | |
163 | | == Customizing e-mail content for MS Outlook == |
164 | | |
165 | | Out-of-the-box, MS Outlook normally presents plain text e-mails with a variable-width font; the ticket properties table will most certainly look like a mess in MS Outlook. This can be fixed with some customization of the [#Customizingthee-mailcontent e-mail template]. |
166 | | |
167 | | Replace the following second row in the template: |
168 | | {{{ |
169 | | $ticket_props |
170 | | }}} |
171 | | |
172 | | with this instead (''requires Python 2.6 or later''): |
173 | | {{{ |
174 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
175 | | {% with |
176 | | pv = [(a[0].strip(), a[1].strip()) for a in [b.split(':') for b in |
177 | | [c.strip() for c in |
178 | | ticket_props.replace('|', '\n').splitlines()[1:-1]] if ':' in b]]; |
179 | | sel = ['Reporter', 'Owner', 'Type', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Milestone', |
180 | | 'Component', 'Severity', 'Resolution', 'Keywords'] %}\ |
181 | | ${'\n'.join('%s\t%s' % (format(p[0]+':', ' <12'), p[1]) for p in pv if p[0] in sel)} |
182 | | {% end %}\ |
183 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
184 | | }}} |
185 | | |
186 | | The table of ticket properties is replaced with a list of a selection of the properties. A tab character separates the name and value in such a way that most people should find this more pleasing than the default table, when using MS Outlook. |
187 | | {{{#!div style="margin: 1em 1.75em; border:1px dotted" |
188 | | {{{#!html |
189 | | #42: testing<br /> |
190 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> |
191 | | <table cellpadding=0> |
192 | | <tr><td>Reporter:</td><td>jonas@example.com</td></tr> |
193 | | <tr><td>Owner:</td><td>anonymous</td></tr> |
194 | | <tr><td>Type:</td><td>defect</td></tr> |
195 | | <tr><td>Status:</td><td>assigned</td></tr> |
196 | | <tr><td>Priority:</td><td>lowest</td></tr> |
197 | | <tr><td>Milestone:</td><td>0.9</td></tr> |
198 | | <tr><td>Component:</td><td>report system</td></tr> |
199 | | <tr><td>Severity:</td><td>major</td></tr> |
200 | | <tr><td>Resolution:</td><td> </td></tr> |
201 | | <tr><td>Keywords:</td><td> </td></tr> |
202 | | </table> |
203 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> |
204 | | Changes:<br /> |
205 | | <br /> |
206 | | * component: changset view => search system<br /> |
207 | | * priority: low => highest<br /> |
208 | | * owner: jonas => anonymous<br /> |
209 | | * cc: daniel@example.com =><br /> |
210 | | daniel@example.com, jonas@example.com<br /> |
211 | | * status: new => assigned<br /> |
212 | | <br /> |
213 | | Comment:<br /> |
214 | | I'm interested too!<br /> |
215 | | <br /> |
216 | | --<br /> |
217 | | Ticket URL: <http://example.com/trac/ticket/42><br /> |
218 | | My Project <http://myproj.example.com/><br /> |
219 | | }}} |
220 | | }}} |
221 | | |
222 | | **Important**: Only those ticket fields that are listed in `sel` are part of the HTML mail. If you have defined custom ticket fields which shall be part of the mail they have to be added to `sel`, example: |
223 | | {{{ |
224 | | sel = ['Reporter', ..., 'Keywords', 'Custom1', 'Custom2'] |
225 | | }}} |
226 | | |
227 | | However, it's not as perfect as an automatically HTML-formatted e-mail would be, but presented ticket properties are at least readable by default in MS Outlook... |
228 | | |
229 | | |
230 | | == Using GMail as the SMTP relay host == |
231 | | |
232 | | Use the following configuration snippet |
233 | | {{{ |
| 176 | == Using GMail as the SMTP relay host |
| 177 | |
| 178 | Use the following configuration snippet: |
| 179 | {{{#!ini |
247 | | You should not use `smtp_port = 465`. It will not work and your ticket submission may deadlock. Port 465 is reserved for the SMTPS protocol, which is not supported by Trac. See [comment:ticket:7107:2 #7107] for details. |
248 | | |
249 | | == Filtering notifications for one's own changes == |
250 | | In Gmail, use the filter: |
251 | | |
252 | | {{{ |
253 | | from:(<smtp_from>) (("Reporter: <username>" -Changes) OR "Changes (by <username>)") |
254 | | }}} |
255 | | |
256 | | For Trac .10, use the filter: |
257 | | {{{ |
258 | | from:(<smtp_from>) (("Reporter: <username>" -Changes -Comment) OR "Changes (by <username>)" OR "Comment (by <username>)") |
259 | | }}} |
260 | | |
261 | | to delete these notifications. |
262 | | |
263 | | In Thunderbird, there is no such solution if you use IMAP |
264 | | (see http://kb.mozillazine.org/Filters_(Thunderbird)#Filtering_the_message_body). |
265 | | |
266 | | The best you can do is to set "always_notify_updater" in conf/trac.ini to false. |
267 | | You will however still get an email if you comment a ticket that you own or have reported. |
268 | | |
269 | | You can also add this plugin: |
270 | | http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin |
271 | | |
272 | | == Troubleshooting == |
273 | | |
274 | | If you cannot get the notification working, first make sure the log is activated and have a look at the log to find if an error message has been logged. See TracLogging for help about the log feature. |
275 | | |
276 | | Notification errors are not reported through the web interface, so the user who submit a change or a new ticket never gets notified about a notification failure. The Trac administrator needs to look at the log to find the error trace. |
277 | | |
278 | | === ''Permission denied'' error === |
| 193 | You should not use `smtp_port = 465`. Doing so may deadlock your ticket submission. Port 465 is reserved for the SMTPS protocol, which is not supported by Trac. See [trac:comment:2:ticket:7107 #7107] for details. |
| 194 | |
| 195 | == Troubleshooting |
| 196 | |
| 197 | If notifications are not working, inspect the [TracLogging log] for error messages. |
| 198 | |
| 199 | Notification errors are not always reported through the web interface, so the user who submits a change or creates a ticket may not get notified about a notification failure. The Trac administrator needs to look at the log to find the error message and traceback. |
| 200 | |
| 201 | === ''Permission denied'' error |
312 | | The default Trac configuration uses Base64 encoding to send emails to the recipients. The whole body of the email is encoded, which sometimes trigger ''false positive'' SPAM detection on sensitive email servers. In such an event, it is recommended to change the default encoding to "quoted-printable" using the `mime_encoding` option. |
313 | | |
314 | | Quoted printable encoding works better with languages that use one of the Latin charsets. For Asian charsets, it is recommended to stick with the Base64 encoding. |
315 | | |
316 | | === ''501, 5.5.4 Invalid Address'' error === |
317 | | |
318 | | On IIS 6.0 you could get a |
319 | | {{{ |
320 | | Failure sending notification on change to ticket #1: SMTPHeloError: (501, '5.5.4 Invalid Address') |
321 | | }}} |
322 | | in the trac log. Have a look [http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291828 here] for instructions on resolving it. |
323 | | |
| 236 | The default Trac configuration uses Base64 encoding to send emails to the recipients. The whole body of the email is encoded, which sometimes trigger ''false positive'' spam detection on sensitive email servers. In such an event, change the default encoding to "quoted-printable" using the `mime_encoding` option. |
| 237 | |
| 238 | Quoted printable encoding works better with languages that use one of the Latin charsets. For Asian charsets, stick with the Base64 encoding. |